Wednesday, August 6, 2008

It's about time

My good friend Lisa Pflaum (a wonderful photographer from Medina, Ohio ) tells me that I need to blog. I don't know that I need to but I will give it a shot for the time being. I am told that blogging is like an online diary. I never could keep a journal so don't you all out there hold your breath with this.

So I am using this first blog as a quick intro and bio of my life to this point.
I am the second oldest of 7 children. There were 4 boys then three girls. We were all born in Ohio (Columbus and Sandusky). I went to high school at St. Charles Preparatory in Columbus and then attended Ohio Wesleyan University in Delaware, Oh. I married my high school sweetheart and we had 4 kids, 2 boys and 2 girls and have 3 grandchildren. I have spent all but 8 years of my life in the Central Ohio area.

Besides my family, I have two great passions. The first is photography and the second is playing golf. Some might say Ohio State football but I view that more as fanaticism.

My passion for photography began when my parents gave me my first camera for Christmas when I was 6. I can remember wanting to take pics of everyone. I always wanted better cameras and when I was 13 I got my hands on my first 35mm camera which was from the 1940's. I don't think anything turned out from the first couple rolls of film I shot. I had no idea what any of the settings did but I had fun playing with it. I got my first slr in 1975 and was really hooked at that point. 5 years later I graduated to medium format and started shooting weddings in 1980. Weddings kind of burned me out for a few years and I stepped away from shooting as a job and went back to just shooting 35mm of family events. 2003 I started getting the itch to get back into photography but this time I wanted to do portraits and some more creative shooting. With the advent of digital I found myself rejuvenated. These days I am doing a lot of portrait photography from babies to business portraits. To keep from getting into a rut I also do model portfolios which allows me to be more creative. I have also stumbled across a small niche of Romantic/Intimate portraits. So that is where I am at this time with my photography.

As far as my other passion of golf goes, there is a lot less to tell. I love the game and play whenever I can but never seem to get any better. I am lucky though to have three other friends who not only share the passion for golf but share the camaraderie that we have. The 4 of us have been playing together for over 15 years. It is truly one of those things I look forward to every week beginning each April.

So there is my quick intro and bio. I will try my hand at this whole blogging thing and hopefully I won't have too many big time lapses. If you have stayed with me this far, I thank you .... but seriously, you need a life! I will star posting images as soon as I figure out where that option is. Until then, good health and much happiness to all.